
TN - Tolfenpyrad registered

We can announce that the registration of Hachi-Hachi (Tolfenpyrad 15 EC) has been granted in Tunisia. Hachi-Hachi is registered for the use on tomato and pepper.

The product is marketed by our partner Sipcam Inagra.

LV - Mizuki registered

We can announce that we have received registration for Mizuki in another Baltic country. Latvia has granted the authorisation for use on potatoes as a weed control agent and desiccant. Additionally, strawberry weed control and runner control as well as clover desiccation was approved.

Our partner Nordisk Alkali markets Mizuki in Latvia.

PL - Kabuki registered

Nichino can proudly announce that the Polish authorities just granted the registration of Kabuki.

Our partner Certis Belchim is launching Kabuki in Poland.


PL - Mizuki registered

Nichino Europe are happy to announce that Mizuki registration was granted today for potato desiccation and as a weed control agent in Poland.

FIN – Mizuki registered

Nichino can announce that Mizuki is registered in Finland for potato desiccation and weed control.

The authorisation is granted until 31. March 2032.

NO - derogation for Mizuki

Norway recently received again an Art. 53 for Mizuki for the use as potato desiccant and for strawberry runner control.

The derogation is valid from 11.06.2024 - 09.10.2024.