
Art. 53 Revolution - IT

Also, Revolution got a derogation for seed bed preparation of maize, sorghum, sunflower and soybean in Italy.

The permission is valid from 19th Feb. - 18th Jun. 2025.

Art. 53 Piramax - IT

Again in this season, Piramax got a derogation for seed bed preparation of maize, sorghum, sunflower and soybean in Italy.

The permission is valid from 19th Feb. – 18th Jun. 2025.

Mizuki registered - RO

We can announce that the registration of Mizuki was recently achieved in Romania.

Following uses have been granted:

  • Potatoes: weed control and desiccation
  • Vines: sucker- and weed control
  • Pome fruits, stone fruits, kiwi, nut trees: sucker- and weed control
  • Artichokes: weed control

Our partner Kwizda is launching Mizuki in Romania.

Mizuki registered - RS

 Nichino can announce that Mizuki is now registered in Serbia.

Our partner Certis Belchim is marketing Mizuki.

Mizuki registered - EST

As the last country in the Northern Zone Estonia recently approved the registration of Mizuki for the use as desiccant and herbicide on potatoes.

Authorisation is valid until 31st March 2032.

Our partner Nordisk Alkali is marketing Mizuki in Estonia.

Volcan registered - MA

We can announce that the registration of Volcan (Pyraflufen-Ethyl) has been granted in Morocco.

Volcan is registered for the use as potato desiccant and herbicide on citrus and olives.

New a.i. Pyraziflumid granted registration for Ukraine

Nichino is proud to announce that a new active ingredient has achieved registration in Europe.

Pyraziflumid, a novel SDHI fungicide against a broad range of plant diseases, with an excellent preventive and curative efficacy, was recently granted for Ukraine.

Marketed under the brand name Parade, Pyraziflumid can be used on oilseed rape, sunflower and vines, targeting Sclerotinia sp., Powdery Mildew and Botrytis sp.

Parade is a SC formulation (220 g/l) and will be launched in the Ukraine by our partner SumiAgro.


TN - Tolfenpyrad registered

We can announce that the registration of Hachi-Hachi (Tolfenpyrad 15 EC) has been granted in Tunisia. Hachi-Hachi is registered for the use on tomato and pepper.

The product is marketed by our partner Sipcam Inagra.