We are pleased to announce that Sweden has just granted the derogation of Mizuki for the use as a potato desiccant.
Mizuki can be applied from 27. June until 12. October 2022.
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We are pleased to announce that Sweden has just granted the derogation of Mizuki for the use as a potato desiccant.
Mizuki can be applied from 27. June until 12. October 2022.
Nichino is very pleased to support out partner Certis UK who are taking on the 3 Peaks Challenge for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
For more information klick here.
We are very pleased to announce that we have just received the decision of BVL granting the derogation for our partner Belchim DE to use Quickdown on potato for desiccation before BBCH 91 from 01. June to 28. September 2022.