
Nihon Nohyaku celebrates 90th anniversary

Nichino Europe parent company Nihon Nohyaku is celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2018.

Since its founding in 1928 as Japan's first specialized agrochemical manufacturer, Nihon Nohyaku has contributed to the production of high-quality agricultural crop protection products.

As a company that contributes to the stable supply of food around the world, Nihon Nohyaku will continue to take on the challenge for growth.


Nichino Europe Study Tour

June saw an excellent 2 days of visits from AMC-TR Turkey with some 12 potato experts, key to the potato market in Turkey, invited. The study trip involved 1 day at Belchim Crop Protection Londerzeel Trial Station with focus on Moncut potato seed treatment, the 2nd day involved a visit to De Aardappelhoeve in Tielt, a potato processing & packaging facility, followed by a visit to the potato machinery manufacturer Dewulf in Roeselare.  Both days were very informative and were much appreciated by our guests.

New emergency registration for Ortus 5 SC in Hungary

The Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office (NEBIH) announced that growers can use fenpyroximate-based formulation Ortus 5 SC in green beans and in soybean grown for seed-production. Ortus 5 SC is sold by Sumi Agro Hungary.